kakahiaka! (Good morning in
Hawai’ian) Here in Ruidoso, New Mexico
we just say “howdy.” Happy Tuesday
morning and greetings to all you coffee fiends. That’s fiends not friends. I know how you really feel about coffee! The purpose of this blog is to unite coffee
lovers, especially lovers of Kona coffee, and perhaps learn a little about
coffee and all the benefits of coffee at the same time. A coffee tree lives for 60 to 70 years and can grow 30 feet tall. But
they are pruned to a 10-foot height for the convenience of coffee-berry
There are a lot of outlandish myths and old wives’ tales
surrounding coffee. I found some on a Mythbusters
blog. These include: Coffee will stunt a child’s growth and ground
coffee is just as good as whole bean coffee.
This has inspired us to look into coffee myths and report back to you
from time to time. We’ll let you know
which tales are true and which myths couldn’t be further from the truth.
Probably the biggest myth that I hear at trade shows is: The best way to store your coffee is in the freezer or
Years and years ago, before I got involved in the coffee
trade and didn’t know better, this myth made a lot of sense to me. I stored fish in the freezer to keep it
fresh, therefore it made sense that using the freezer would work for coffee
too. However, I learned that coffee
beans are porous so they easily absorb moisture and aromas. That means if you store your coffee in the
freezer, not only will it end up smelling like the fish you put it next to, but
it’ll also absorb all sorts of moisture that will cause the bean to deteriorate
and lose all of its aromas and flavors.
The best place to keep your coffee is in an air tight, light
tight container that will keep the coffee cool, dry and out of the light. And
keep it in the cupboard. In fact, they
now make vacuum sealed containers
specifically for coffee storage.
One last thing to
think about: Coffee goes stale over
time, so avoid buying it in bulk at the grocery store. Instead buy it directly
from the Kona Cowboy Coffee Company because you know that we sell fresh coffee
vacuum sealed in air and light proof bags.
Myth: The best way to store your coffee
is in the freezer or refrigerator. Result:
Do you want FREE coffee? The very
first cowpoke who saunters up to the Kona Cowboy Coffee Company’s Cowboy Coffee
Saloon at Wild West Days at Old Tucson Studios, March 30-April 1, and asks for
it will get a free, that’s FREE bag of CAFÉ PINON de Nuevo Mexico…our newest
fusion coffee made with a proprietary blend of central American coffees and
real New Mexico pinon nuts!
The purpose
of this blog is to unite Kona coffee lovers and perhaps learn a little about
coffee and all the benefits of coffee at the same time. Join up, become a member, comment and have
fun! You can find the Kona Coffee Fiends
group on Facebook and we’d appreciate it if Facebook users would “LIKE” the
Kona Cowboy Coffee Company page at Just copy and paste to your browser. You can also find us on Twitter at And on the web at
You know you’re a coffee fiend
when you've worn out the handle on your favorite mug. So enjoy your coffee, make it Kona, and remember, Kona is the
home of the Hawaiian cowboy…and we had cowboys in Kona before there were
cowboys in Texas!
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